Master Class with Dr. Jeanine Skinner

Seven of our Piano Artistry students participated on April 28th in a Master Class with Dr. Jeanine Skinner of Wake Forest, NC held at Charlotte Academy of Music.

Dr. Jeanine Skinner earned an AA in Music (Anderson College), BM  in Piano Performance (Furman University), MM in Piano Performance (Florida  State University), DMA in Piano Pedagogy and Performance (University of South  Carolina). She has served on the faculties of Southern  Wesleyan University, Presbyterian College, Lander  University, the State University of West Georgia, Berry College and Judson College. Teacher,  church musician, professional accompanist, adjudicator and clinician, Skinner  was presented the 2005 Achievement Award from Anderson College. In addition to teaching  piano, Dr. Skinner is also Director and Owner of Music Academy South in Wake  Forest, NC.  She also serves as organist  and accompanist for Wake Forest Baptist Church.

Participating Academy students were Luna Jareo, Lauren Klein, Claire Lucas, Andrew Murphy, Melissa Olarte, Maggie Reichard and Hannah Williams. Visit our Piano Artistry website for more information on this specialized programs for advanced piano students:

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